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The Bradburn Library and Media Center offers many services to both faculty and students. The library is open on school days from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. The library closes 30 minutes after school is out on days with early dismissal.

The library opens at 8 a.m. on late start days. 

Services Offered to Students:

  • A quiet place to read, study, think or relax
  • A catalog of over 10,000 books
  • A library staff that welcomes suggestions for books to purchase
  • Extensive list of databases available for student research
  • Assistance in use of all materials and equipment
  • Print accounts which connects student devices to a printer on campus
  • A copy machine and scanner

The Bradburn Library and Media Center is a major center of student activity on our campus. Students gather there before and after school, during breaks and lunch - to collaborate on projects, study, research and read. Classes meet in the library regularly to conduct research and utilize all of the resource material.


The Bradburn Library and Media Center's collection includes approximately 10,000 books. All aspects of Bishop Blanchet's curriculum are enhanced by more than twenty databases, including those from Gale, ProQuest and EBSCO, which can be automatically accessed anywhere on campus without any passwords.

E-books are a growing resource in our collection, with new acquisitions made monthly. E-books can be accessed by many students simultaneously, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Students have access to:

  • Online catalogs
  • E-books
  • Online databases
  • Internet searching
  • Reference resources
  • Using college-level resources



student studying in the library

Library Staff

Library Management & Tier 2 Technical Support Specialist